Market Pulse Round 4 March 2023

Our comprehensive research on the Market Pulse Round 4 in Egypt for the month of March offers valuable insights into consumer behavior related to inflation, currency devaluation, and Ramadan purchases. Haven’t you downloaded our Egyptian Market Pulse free report yet? Download Now

Market Pulse Round 3 February 2023

We appreciate your interest in our Market Pulse Round 3 webinar. This webinar focuses on tracking consumer behavior in the aftermath of inflation and currency devaluation. We’re not done yet, though!   The Market Pulse Feb. 2023 report is available now on demand. You can also request your customized report, in which you can add…

Market Pulse Round 2 December 2022

We appreciate your interest in Round 2 of our Market Pulse webinar, which tracks consumers’ behavior after inflation and currency devaluation. Regarding your request to publish the Market Pulse report on a monthly basis, we got your back! We’re not done yet, though! Here is the Market Pulse Dec. 2022 report which is available now…