The VUCA World: FMCGs Harnessing Data Analytics For Growth

Today, in the VUCA world, Western Europe tackled supply chain disruptions, prompting consumers to focus on essentials, while Eastern Europe saw a 4% decline in FMCG sales in 2022, driving private label growth amid rising inflation (FMCG pulse by NIQ).   Therefore, Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies should navigate these challenges with innovative strategies to…

Supercharging FMCGs with Tailored Pricing Strategies

Gone are the days when a ‘one size fits all’ approach could guarantee success. Instead, FMCG companies need to embrace data-driven strategies that cater to the unique needs and expectations of individual customers.  Thus, as Emily Oster, economics professor at Brown University, said, “The key to good decision making is evaluating the available information—the data—and…

Real-Time Insights: Empowering Brands for Black Friday

Black Friday is a valuable promotion season for brands and retailers, as holiday sales reached a record-breaking $936.3 billion in 2022, according to The National Retail Federation. So, as Black Friday approaches, leveraging real-time insights can give businesses a competitive advantage, to help brands in adjusting promotions, while responding quickly to market dynamics, enhancing the…